At Ad Hominin. has a St. Patrick’s Day special edition of this blog carnival, which is dedicated to the four fields of anthropology. Topics covered span the four major fields of anthropology: archaeology, socio-cultural anthropology, bio-physical anthropology and linguistic anthropology. If you would like to host the carnival, please write to Martin Rundkvist. The next issue will be hosted at the Greg Laden’s blog on 31 March.
Oh, and I’ll be hosting the Four Stone Hearth right here in April! So start getting those ideas for good anthro blogging down. Greg Laden’s blog is a good opportunity for some visibility since his is one of those high-traffic anthro blogs!
In the meantime, visit Ad Hominim and read some of the best anthro-blogging of the fortnight!
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- Four Stone Hearth 88 (
Just wanted to say hi and that you are loved very much.
Thanks, Mom!
Now I have 3 readers! 🙂